x4 955和I3 2100哪個性能強大啊_知道 提問者採納: 理論數據上是 955好,那是在完全理想的狀態下。 但是你在家使用就不一定了。 AMD產品質量真的是不敢恭維,當然我本人也用的AMD,因為價格低 ...
i3-2100 x4 955對比 - 已解決 - 搜狗問問 滿意答案: 除非玩遊戲跑superPI,其它後者完勝。
AMD X4 955 VS Intel Core i3 2100 - 光華商場 2011年7月22日 - 現在位置:首頁 -> 光華PK台 -> AMD X4 955 VS Intel Core i3 2100 ... AMD X4 955(277票), Intel Core i3 2100(212票). 發表回應支持, 發表回應 ...
AnandTech | Bench - CPU AMD Phenom II X4 955 - 3.2GHz - 2MB L2 - 6MB L3 notes Intel Core i3 2100 - 3.1GHz - 512KB L2 - 3MB L3. Gigabyte GA-MA790FX-UD5P AMD 790FX Chipset
Intel i3 2100 vs AMD Phenom II X4 955? [Solved] - Intel - CPUs ... People say Phenom X4 is weaker than Intel Core i3 2100 in games. ... But the in Far Cry 2, the i3-2100 is faster than the PII X4 955. Those are ...
AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition at at 3.6ghz vs intel core i3 ... when a AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition is overclocked to 3.6ghz using this mobo asus M5A88-M on stock cooler will it give better ...
Intel Core i3 2100 Vs AMD Phenom X4 955 for GAMING. - Intel - CPUs ... 2011年7月28日 - Am going to build a new gaming pc within this month, am on a strict budget and I want to get the best withing my budget. As people are always ...
Intel Core i3 2100 vs AMD Phenom II X4 955 - CPUBoss We put the 3.1 GHz 2100 to the test against the 3.2 GHz 955 to find out which you should buy, the older Intel or the AMD.
AMD Phenom II X4 955 (125W, rev. C2) vs Intel Core i3-2100 The charts in the section below illustrate relative performance of Phenom II X4 955 (125W, rev. C2) and Core i3-2100 CPUs in different kinds of tasks.